Raspberry Pi and Visual Basic Programming VS 2017 contains a YouTube video. This video shows an application in my new book Raspberry Pi and Visual Basic in Paperback or in Kindle as an E-book. This book example, as all the ones in my book; utilizes Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017 environment and Visual Basic. This code is used to toggle a LED on and off with each button or switch press. It assumes you know little about Visual Basic programming or electronics. The code shows the user how to handle screen button events and electronic momentary switch inputs. This is the foundation you will use for future electronic projects with the Raspberry Pi and its GPIO-General Purpose Input Output/Electronics
This project utilizes the Dispatch Timer and the GPIO references and 2 import statements in Visual Basic Universal code. Delay as required by push button switches are discussed and managed.
Take a look at the book on Kindle or Amazon, if you are interested in programming the Raspberry Pi using Visual Basic and VS 2017 (Visual Studio 2017).
This is the book purchase area.
Kindle Purchase area
(resolution is not good on Kindle as most books I looked at)
Raspberry Pi is a computer and Visual Basic is the computer language using a free version of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017. Code examples, setups, diagrams, and more are provided in the book. Electronics is discussed as it relates to the Pi.
Diagrams, many drawings and even some schematics are provided. It is a good introduction to programming the Pi with Visual basic coding. This book is designed to get you started quickly with programs that are useful on the Raspberry Pi using Visual Basic and GPIO Electronics.
If you are familiar with Visual Basic, why not use it. Examples have been seemingly pulled off the internet and are even hard to find on Microsoft’s site. This shows a lot of code and some algorithms for controlling the electronics of the GPIO-General Purpose Input Output of the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi and Visual Basic Programming VS 2017 is a much easier way to work with Windows 10 IoT and your Raspberry Pi. The example link is to an even simpler area for programming windows 10 IoT. This is a hello pi example.